"Try it Tuesday!"

So guys, whassup?

Today I had one of those random moments of inspiration! Yay! So here's the plan... Once a week, every week, I do a post on something new I tried that week, whether it be a food, a new game/sport or listening to a new style of music, I'll fill you guys in! I'd like to start soon, but am unsure as to which day this should be... So the options are, ehem, 'Try it Tuesday', 'Something New Sunday/Saturday' or anything else you write down in the comments!  I like 'Try it Tuesday' but it's kinda weird not to do it at the end of the week, you know? Your feedback would be appreciated muchly, so leave a comment below! :)


  1. Cool Idea! What about Manna's Monday? Funky Friday? I dunno...

  2. This is a cute idea!
    - F - www.elevatorbrain.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Thankssss! :) I thought it would give me a reason to try some cool things a little out of my comfort zone...


Hello! Thanks for taking the time to comment. It makes me so happy when I hear from you guys! :)